Friday, August 24, 2007

The wet wait

Picture this:
Its dark and the skies are as dark as darkness can be. The heralds of a gruesome storm can be heard from miles away; I call it 'the war cries of thunder'.

I look around where I am and then mentally picture where am supposed to be and my heart dies within. A great chasm lies between the road and home. I consider several options that could take me home. 

1) I can take a taxi but my pocket value has been below the C-level lately (oh I mean cash level) and we all know that taxi drivers can easily commit murder if you ride in their car only for you to declare that your wallet is broke on reaching your destination.
2) Alternatively, I could take  the dark shortcut path that leads home. For a moment, that looks like a viable option but I shilly-shally for  three reasons.
   a) the pregnant clouds are a deterrent even to the stoutest hearted amongst us. You don’t want the clouds to deliver while you are on a lonely no man's land.
   b) Last night there was a heavy downpour. As such, the footpath must be teeming with liters of dirty, stinking, stagnant water. Thus even if I could beat the skies with my speed and I avoid being rained on, I will still get home wet and stinking like I just had a leisure swim in the sewer.
   c) Even if I can figure out where the stones and thus escape unscathed by the reeking pools below me, the path is prone to petty muggers and some heavy weight big time robbers too. Tonight's conditions are just ideal for them to lay ambush to lonely miserable travelers. I have not been feeling suicidal of late and so taking the lonely path is categorically out of question.

3) I thus get to my last resort; pleading with the Safaricom lady not to tell me to revitalize my credit before I call my cousin. I manage to call her and explain my predicament. She-my cousin- tells me she is on the way and before I can get further instructions, the beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeep Silence my credit air time is over.

So here I am waiting to be picked from the road. To begin with, its dark so I can’t see the car from afar, secondly, it has started to drizzle so am freezing. In addition, there are three possible directions she could be coming and the only way to be sure not to miss her is to stay somewhere in the open exposed to the wet masses of heaven. I never intended to pose to the fervent press photographers in the sky- read lightning- but I have no choice. I could see a warm cozy restaurant in the opposite street, I could smell roast beef in a nearby butchery and all these provided enough temptations to get from the road and wait elsewhere. But if I did that, I could easily miss the one who was picking me. To make matters worse, there were three possible vehicles she could be in so I had to be extra observant. I also didn’t know where she was and so I had no waiting time frame. She might just be in the next vehicle.
As I endured the wait in the rain, I remembered what Jesus said:
John 14:1 I have gone to make a place and when it's ready, I will come back for you... (Paraphrased)The only thing we know for sure is that Jesus is coming back. As we wait for his return, let’s not get drawn to the attractive sideshows that the world offers. He could be here in the next minute and we are out there binging, enjoying useless worldly passions and we are met totally unwary, totally unaware, totally clueless, totally unprepared!!! Endure the wait for Christ is just around the bend.

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