Thursday, August 21, 2008

A cute cacophony of cross cultural crush: Peter and Christine

The day finally came. One that had faced myriads of gargantuan challenges. On this particular day, right in the smack middle of a police station, DOD and a theological college, a thoroughly subdued Peter Ndung'u took a vow to cherish and protect one Christine Afandi.
Here is the Story of a normally energetic boy, with boisterous laughter and amazing drive who was utterly humbled and seemingly harmless on his wedding day. Was he spell bound by the scintilating beauty of his lifetime partner? Maybe. Or he was just overwhelmed that his mother-in-law was around to see him do some things or possibly he was surprised that he was actually getting married. Whatever the case may be, we captured the motion and I now bring you the story Cute Cacophony of Cross Cultural Crush.
In the story, I include some Never seen before Photo shoots and we also speculate on where the couple went for the honey moon.
Let's roll

Welcome to the Nairobi International School of Theology.
On any give Sunday, Peter and Christine come to meet their fellow sheep
for a service within here. But on this day the two were here to be
given the go ahead to go home together.

Let's start from the very beggining. As you can see,
it was an Up Hill... sorry an Up stairs Task to bring the
bride down

Nonetheless, after some time,
the early fruits were spotted

Followed by the First Fruits

And finally, the Mother lode Came through

HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!! Did you pay all the dowry??
Meet the Afandi's Afande.... (do you get my drift?)
Afandi is the family name and
the police street slang name.

I guess she was promised a lift in one of these cars and she backed down!!

Meet the miniature representative of the
Secret Service Agents (read ushers) who
were teeming in this place.

Wow and didn't they arrest many suspects whose
'criminal charges' were
going to a wedding suspiciously

OK. Meet a thoroughly subdued, humbled, quietened man
Peter Ndung'u is his name. See the way his lips are
hard pressed together

Meet the one who was the cause of the"terror" on Peter's face
Ms Christine Afandi

Meet the Chief Justice (One with a red 'holy' glow)
who was determining the case. On his side
(Orbed in a blue glow) is his highly trusted and very
well able High Court Registrar whose task was
to rephrase the Court Martial Language into a dialect
that's understandable to the common Mwananchi

Our lay down hero was walked down the isle
by his more experienced partner and friend

The gentleman's army was watching from a distance
and when the saw him gather courage to walk down..

They took a cue and followed suit.

From the other side the amazingly bright and beautiful
royalties were modeling before they entered the
catwalk (read sanctuary)

When the court bailiff gave the order:
Silence: Court in Session

The carpet was rolled out

And the one accused of love
came escorted heavily by her parents

First the people held a mini-demonstration to 'protest' against
the goodness of the Lord. (Read Praise and Worship)

Then Peter was asked to certify whether this was the
culprit that had assaulted his heart.

The evidence was overwhelming as even the object
that had caused him physical malformation (wedding ring)
was produced in the courtroom.

As such, judgment was delivered and signed.
Life imprisonment in Love Jail.

The agony is clearly visible on the faces
of these two. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ngugi

Survival Tips....
What are the pillars of a strong marriage?

What makes a family's center to HOLD STRONG?

What the sweet things of married life that MUST be retained?

For starters you must learn to go on your knees and pray

Better still, you might involve others to pray with you (like John Nga'ng'a)

You MUST absolutely feed on the sweet word of God

And NEVER display your dirty linen in Public

After the useful life tips, the newly weds got in their
ride and went for a photo shoot. Curious to know what they did?
Let's follow them

For one, they learn about leadership. Stay ahead of the pack that is your family

We also found out that they play hide 'n' seek!
Oops, the bride was clearly in the wrong attire for this game.

We are not sure to what extent the best couple is involved
in this game. But as the picture shows, they give vital support
in looking at alternative hiding spots as you look for others spots too

Once the catch each other, an emergency pick nick
lunch is arranged where they eat.... FLOWERS????

And now what you've been waiting for.
They sit on the bench away from prying eyes
and move closer to each other in a slow motion

Oops guess we invaded their privacy

Honey moon destinations are usually kept secret. But by
the time we were going to press, unconfirmed reports
indicated that this house here was the official honey moon
destination. Unfortunately, we can't prove the accuracy
of those reports

Wedding Drama...
Hakuna harusi isiyo na drama. We bring you some of them

I caught up with the Court clerk consulting the
government spokesman (read MC) about some
protocol issues. These included

Where was donor food going to be sent

And how much ration was going to be disbursed to the citizens

And here is the aftermath of the wedding leftovers
When the couple came back from kissing....
sorry the photo session,

Christine found her mother-in-law waiting for her

She reared the boy and knew that this basket is enough
for only his dinner meal. Christine thus had to prove that
she will bear that burden. She gladly did

Brilliant, cute and totally munch able
Enough said.

Too sweet to choke each other up.

Partner Hunting...
Weddings provide perfect spot for getting your life partner
Allow me to give you some necessary tips to ensure you
snag one.

Well, you can get a search committee and explain to them
in detail the kind of a partner you are looking for. They will then
marshal their eye muscles and help you search.

Alternatively, you can choose to stand at a strategic point in display

If she's out there, she will do a jig to catch your eye

She may even show you that she has a kid to see if
you are still interested.

If you aren't her type, she will look away in search
for other prospects.

If you don't find any suitable, then go
to the classified ads and search

But don't jump straight to this page coz
someone might be checking you out with a
brilliant smile.

The best way is to indicate how many number of kids
you want once you get married

And I guarantee that you will get instant results!!

I overheard the older gents discussing if they were to get
married again whether they would get married this way

Those married recently were discussing if
Peter would be eligible to their Chama for
the monthly Merry Go round.

Others were consulting on how one can become a
professional best man

While others were just content to have fun

The people appearing in the above section are not
displaying their real stories. They are just professional
actors who were paid dearly to pose as models for the stories

And as the couple walked into the sunset to
start their life together,

Members of the fourth estate were here to capture the moments

You may have wondered why I kept saying
...WE did this or that.
Please meet Mr. Kibiko photographer extraordinarieee.

My camera died and he was kind enough to lend me his
photos and his camera for my other shots.
What's more, he burned a CD free of Charge.
He deserves a mention in this forum.

OK guys that was P 'n' C. As I had said in an earlier post,
I have a long line up of weddings coming up soon.
If you like it, leave a comment.
