I have attended many weddings and witnessed many
works of human joinery. But allow me to be biased
for once. This was my best wedding so far.
It was so full of life, music laughter and tangible joy.
What is more amazing was the sparkling life that
one Titus Kimanthi put on as he wedded his
sweetheart Karen Ndunge.
I want to make a deal with you. If you come across a
photo where Titus is not smiling, call me up, point it out
and I promise I will buy you coffee at your place of choice!!!
I am not kidding
Let,s go to Karen to meet Karen,
Of fame and fireworks
NPC Karen was where the action was.
Karen caring grounds cared for Karen's
raring future.
Oh boy, it was total fireworks around here
As our tantalizing bride, Karen stepped out in style
On the other hand, an overly overjoyed
Titus Kimanthi was all smiles for the day
Luckily for him, One Isaack Kyalo was there
to steady him and keep him focused on the
issue at hand...
And Mrs. Elizabeth Kyalo was on the other hand
graciously leading Karen down the last
embers of spinsterhood.
Cream cropped angel look like maidens
Sat on the trenches of the royal Court
With their male counterparts, gracing the
opposite seats of the royal tapestry.
Queen's Queuing Cues
We know that Music fills the royal halls and
here it was no exception.
She may not be a ballet dancer, but her
presence is significant as she is the right
hand woman(read wife) of the Royal Majesty
(read pastort) that joined this wedding:
Mrs. Salome Ngare
Royal Procession
A bidding accord for a life time was signed
And presented to the new born family
by the royal operations director:
Pastor Edwin Ngare
Mementos of Momentous Moments
Broad smile was the hallmark and epitome
of joy as Titus finally got the go ahead to
Kiss the bride...
And once a man has tasted the fruit of his love,
What do you expect him to do...
He will be howling and bubbling
with joy all day and night
He will dance like never before, from
hip hop moves...
To complicated Kamba styles,
And since laughter is infectious,
Every one falls into step and does a jig,
Ooooh the passion is clearly
visible on everyone's face
Tell you what, if my wedding
will have such tremendous joy,
dance and enthralling moments:
..... I am getting married next month!!....
Coz I know I won't leave empty handed.
Wedding Drama
Meet the most excellent Kamba Spokesman
I have ever witnessed. I am suing him after this
coz of making my ribs hurt coz of laughing.
Could anyone please connect me to a lawyer
who can take on a humour litigation
Why is it that everyone tries to look if
his name is on the couples line up of groom's
men and women??
Hey mean can you see what am seeing??
People, hmm I introduce you to a new way
of catching your friends attention.
Strangle him or her...
Let's see how imaginative you can be.
Picture these as a video and it is in slow
motion mode. What do you get???
Sound of Music Season II!!
Cautionary Quotients
Now we all know that dancing is
lively livening for life
Constant practise to get
perfection is important
And experienced couples are
even more lovely to watch as
they pull their moves...
But always be careful as to who
is watching, coz you might give them
a heart attack, or alternatively,
They might give you a standing ovation.
Well well well we know that eating
large potions of the word of God,
Can make someone very very happy
Going green is now a global concept
and one lady is immortalizing this concept,
Check her goggles, her top, her hands and
her background....
Ok I am not saying anything at all
I wonder what mother-in-law
whispered into her ear,
I know for sure it had something to do
with carrying marital obligations,
Maybe she told her about what Titus'
concept of a wardrobe is... the floor
And how the a simple 'kiondo'
could rectify that misconcept.
"Mwambie awe akiweka nguo hapa..."
Or maybe she pointed out how
girls' have got daddy issues that
should be looked into..
Or maybe she was being adviced
how to care for her 'boys'
Or probably she told her
how not to use a pot...
"Never cook flowers for my boy"
Culinary Delights
Well if you missed, you missed
lot's of classy tasty munching
You never witnessed the beautiful
embroidery on the saliva taking cake
And of course you missed seeing
off the couple as the flew away
to their honeymoon
Of tricks and tactics...
As I always say, weddings is a fertile ground for initial
contact with a prospective partner for the singles
Let those who have an ear hear
what the Prince says to the singles
There you meet those who will walk
down the isle in the near future
And for those who are really far sighted and
visionary,You can make bookings for
vision 20:30
Tactical Attack
So how do you go about it?
Well be the gentleman and give
her the last biting on your plate
Some of them will be very
savvy and very classy
So ensure you match her deed for deed,
word for word, accessory for accessory
Case Study
Below is an illustration of How to
finally get it and actualize the teachings.
The Sampling Technique:
First, scan the one in valentine
colour theme and makes a joke
that she will laugh to...
Alternatively, humour the one who will
give you an absolute belly laughter,
An even better way is to sample one
who you will laugh together coz that
is the key to love and life.
NB: The models appearing above were highly paid to pose in
the photos and so they are just actors not real life story people.
The next big attraction???
I don't know...
My bests...
Wasee waseee... Let's look
for Wahi Kuwahi in these
bottle tops... he he he
In case you didn't get your photo
during that day. I did you a favour,
so just identify it and I will sell it to you
Yes this is the culprit that brought you the story
If I receive another threatening email ati I don't
post myself on the blog, well, here am I.
works of human joinery. But allow me to be biased
for once. This was my best wedding so far.
It was so full of life, music laughter and tangible joy.
What is more amazing was the sparkling life that
one Titus Kimanthi put on as he wedded his
sweetheart Karen Ndunge.
I want to make a deal with you. If you come across a
photo where Titus is not smiling, call me up, point it out
and I promise I will buy you coffee at your place of choice!!!
I am not kidding
Let,s go to Karen to meet Karen,
Of fame and fireworks

Karen caring grounds cared for Karen's
raring future.
Titus Kimanthi was all smiles for the day
to steady him and keep him focused on the
issue at hand...
graciously leading Karen down the last
embers of spinsterhood.
Sat on the trenches of the royal Court
opposite seats of the royal tapestry.
Queen's Queuing Cues
here it was no exception.
presence is significant as she is the right
hand woman(read wife) of the Royal Majesty
(read pastort) that joined this wedding:
Mrs. Salome Ngare
Royal Procession
by the royal operations director:
Pastor Edwin Ngare
Mementos of Momentous Moments
of joy as Titus finally got the go ahead to
Kiss the bride...

What do you expect him to do...
with joy all day and night
hip hop moves...
visible on everyone's face
will have such tremendous joy,
dance and enthralling moments:
..... I am getting married next month!!....

Wedding Drama
I have ever witnessed. I am suing him after this
coz of making my ribs hurt coz of laughing.
Could anyone please connect me to a lawyer
who can take on a humour litigation
his name is on the couples line up of groom's
men and women??
People, hmm I introduce you to a new way
of catching your friends attention.
Strangle him or her...
Picture these as a video and it is in slow
motion mode. What do you get???
Sound of Music Season II!!
Cautionary Quotients
lively livening for life
perfection is important
even more lovely to watch as
they pull their moves...
is watching, coz you might give them
a heart attack, or alternatively,
large potions of the word of God,
and one lady is immortalizing this concept,
Check her goggles, her top, her hands and
her background....
whispered into her ear,
with carrying marital obligations,
concept of a wardrobe is... the floor
could rectify that misconcept.
"Mwambie awe akiweka nguo hapa..."
girls' have got daddy issues that
should be looked into..
how to care for her 'boys'
how not to use a pot...
"Never cook flowers for my boy"
Culinary Delights
lot's of classy tasty munching
embroidery on the saliva taking cake
off the couple as the flew away
to their honeymoon
Of tricks and tactics...
As I always say, weddings is a fertile ground for initial
contact with a prospective partner for the singles
what the Prince says to the singles
down the isle in the near future
visionary,You can make bookings for
vision 20:30
Tactical Attack
Well be the gentleman and give
her the last biting on your plate
savvy and very classy
word for word, accessory for accessory
Case Study
Below is an illustration of How to
finally get it and actualize the teachings.
The Sampling Technique:
colour theme and makes a joke
that she will laugh to...
give you an absolute belly laughter,
who you will laugh together coz that
is the key to love and life.
NB: The models appearing above were highly paid to pose in
the photos and so they are just actors not real life story people.
I don't know...
My bests...
for Wahi Kuwahi in these
bottle tops... he he he
during that day. I did you a favour,
so just identify it and I will sell it to you
If I receive another threatening email ati I don't
post myself on the blog, well, here am I.
Close Calls:
That was Titus and Karen confiscating their single hood in
exchange for a double-in-one kind of life.
We wish them all the best in life.
Like it? Leave a comment. Am out,
That was Titus and Karen confiscating their single hood in
exchange for a double-in-one kind of life.
We wish them all the best in life.
Like it? Leave a comment. Am out,
Wow, brilliant work there Tito looks really happy. I am still scrutinizing those pictures coz I really want you to buy me coffee.. I am sure kuna picha that Titus is not smiling ni vile tu sijaiona.
TJ keep on dreaming on If u find one I will take u out for a buffet wacha Coffee!!!
hahahahahahahahahaha... good job
brilliant prince
You always amaze me...seriously i am going start attending weddings even if it means crashing...don't judge me here
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