On the 16th of August 2008 right deep in the heartlands of the beautiful lush green plains of the great Rift Valley, a beautiful Kalenjin girl who brags of carrying an auditing tag on her name tag married an excellent doctor.
This is a story that brings out the best of shots from the countryside which bring exhilaration owing to the fact that they were taken as two people celebrated love. I was not able to attend the wedding but I had brilliant representatives who brought me the photos and the stories and now I bring to you The Countryside Qoutient: The love story of Leona and Erick.
I take this early opportunity to give due honour to Mosich and Ben Too who played a vital role in bring this story to life.
Let's role:
Countryside Sceneries
Welcome to the opportune of viewing amazing sceneries
as you journey into the heartland of the
Rift within a valley. Some places are so raw that...
Only the tough can conqure it. Pray do these goats wear
green goggles to get an illusion so as to eat
or do they simply eat rocks as junk food?
Only the tough, expert and experienced drivers...
Driving the heavyduty stuff can conquer this terrain
but you dont endure dryness for long coz further up
A whole new world opens up
Green glory against a back drop of brilliant blue
acts as a homing device for your wandering eyes
Adventure in beautyland
It's this glorious place that these explorers had gone to discover
To see the places where Dr. Erick Chepkwony
Used to take Ms Leona Chepkorir for date, picknicks
and also get flowers for a date in the wild
The doctor later introduced his heart throbe to this man...
Who proposed that they meet in this sanctuary for a formal interrogation
A group of Kalenjin warrios were supposed to be present
Although they would be accompanied by these beautiful maidens
to pacify them if they got in a warring mood
My crew were unable to get privy details of what transpired
inside tese great sanctuary. However they are very sure of
some things for instance...
These two went in single andcame up with a merger agreement
They were adviced to walk with like minded friends
Our sources also reveal that they were asked to give their parents
as many grandchildren as possible
They were told that marriage is not a bed of roses
And that view point is very important. Never give a half face
to your problems. Face them fully they were told
Another thing they were cautioned is that family life is not a competition
Ati you start from the red dot and ....
see who will get to the cake first or...
Who will gobble the largest pint of Mursik....
They were also to cater and provide well for their children
They seem to have listened well to the advice
Coz our paps later caught up with them feeding each other
Did you notice they are using bare hands?
Side shows...
As I always say, hakuna harusi isiyo na drama check this out
Now surely, what was this photojournalist
(camera in red circle) trying to capture.
Let's fantasize:
Ok I would like his number so that he can give me
the number of the optician who prescribed him those
goggles. You know I wear specks and I would not mind goggles either
So anyone with the number??
Seriously, someone asking the recipe for the cake from the bride on
such a day as this is not very encouraging..
No wonder the bodyguards had to look for all manner of "weapons"
to keep him away from the scene...
Hunting tips
Kama nilivyosema in other postings, there is
hope and opportunities for the singles who
attend weddings. So how do you utilize these
Ensure you carry with you a brilliant amazing and charming smile
(Of course if you are heavy coloured like my friend and brother
here) it makes you also a bit visible
Please ensure she knows how you will furnish the appartment
or home you will go to live in...
You should also show how much wealth
you have in terms of sheep and goats...
But do it from a distance otherwise she will know that
these are nothing but white painted stones!!!!!
A surer way is to try and point her towards where you have....
Parked your car!
but please ensure that you hadn't shown the same car to
someone else coz you will find her there admiring it and this
will be one explosive hunting tactic!!!!
Ladies,please check carefully the kind of guy he is proposing to be
the bestman during your wedding!!!
But please never promise anyone a clear blue sky heaven
When you know very well that you intend to give them
a gloomy cloudy darkened love life
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Hey guys, meet my assistant who captured this wedding edition
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This is a story that brings out the best of shots from the countryside which bring exhilaration owing to the fact that they were taken as two people celebrated love. I was not able to attend the wedding but I had brilliant representatives who brought me the photos and the stories and now I bring to you The Countryside Qoutient: The love story of Leona and Erick.
I take this early opportunity to give due honour to Mosich and Ben Too who played a vital role in bring this story to life.
Let's role:
Countryside Sceneries
as you journey into the heartland of the
Rift within a valley. Some places are so raw that...
green goggles to get an illusion so as to eat
or do they simply eat rocks as junk food?
A whole new world opens up
acts as a homing device for your wandering eyes
Adventure in beautyland
and also get flowers for a date in the wild
to pacify them if they got in a warring mood
inside tese great sanctuary. However they are very sure of
some things for instance...
as many grandchildren as possible
to your problems. Face them fully they were told
Ati you start from the red dot and ....
Side shows...
As I always say, hakuna harusi isiyo na drama check this out
(camera in red circle) trying to capture.
Let's fantasize:
- may be it's those leaves..But kwani this is Nation geographic
- Ama ni those shoes for the toi...Mbona asichukue the whole person
- Ama ni shadow ya that building... but why the shadow
the number of the optician who prescribed him those
goggles. You know I wear specks and I would not mind goggles either
So anyone with the number??
such a day as this is not very encouraging..
to keep him away from the scene...
Hunting tips
hope and opportunities for the singles who
attend weddings. So how do you utilize these
(Of course if you are heavy coloured like my friend and brother
here) it makes you also a bit visible
or home you will go to live in...
you have in terms of sheep and goats...
But do it from a distance otherwise she will know that
these are nothing but white painted stones!!!!!
someone else coz you will find her there admiring it and this
will be one explosive hunting tactic!!!!
the bestman during your wedding!!!
a gloomy cloudy darkened love life
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If you didn't know how Leona was hitched, now you know.
Stay tuned for more wedding postings.
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PrinceStay tuned for more wedding postings.
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